Monday, June 9, 2014

The Seeds Are In!

Finally a weekend with no rain and no other plans which allowed me the opportunity to finish planting the garden. It was a late start this year all around. Although I was able to plant some radishes and greens in early May, continuous rain delayed the planting of the post-frost vegetables. By waiting until June, a lot of weeds had already come up, so the prep work took a while longer. And, as you can seed I am still "growing" lots of rocks! 

It is easy to see where all the New England stone walls came from, but it is hard for me to imagine the hard work it took for the early New Hampshire families to clear the land not only of trees, but of large boulders. In my case, it doesn't help that my garden rests over the burial ground of materials excavated from the building of our house foundation 18 years ago! I find a use for the uncovered rocks as plot and row markers. The remainder get added to the remnants of a historical stone wall, as well as newly created ones which line a path on our property. 

What is in my garden this year? For seeds - Cherry Belle and Easter Egg Radishes; Strawberry Spinach (heirloom); Sugar Pod Peas; mesclun mix; zucchini; Butta Summer Squash; Acorn and Butternut Squash; Black Valentine Bean (heirloom); carrots; cucumbers; and for the fall decorations, a few ornamental corn seeds and gourds.  Purchased plants - Cherry and Early Girl Tomatoes; Eggplant; and hot and green peppers. The egg plant and peppers appear stunted and I am wondering if they will recover. I suspect they were not hardened off properly before being sold. Hopefully with some water and mulch they will soon become established. Now, I just need to see what the growing season brings.

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