Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New Hampshire Herb and Garden Day

It was beautiful weather this past weekend which provided an opportunity to both attend the New Hampshire Herb and Garden Day on Saturday and to finish planting my seeds on Sunday.

The Saturday event was sponsored by the  NH Herbal Network Chapter of the American Herbalists Guild and I would have loved to attend the workshops held throughout the day, but instead opted to pay $5.00 to shop at the vendor fair and spend the rest of the day out in the garden. In addition to some reasonably priced plants, I also picked up a couple used reference books to help me identify and learn more about the medicinal uses of native grown plants in New England.

I love to grow herbs since they require little care, attract beneficial insects, and can be used in a host of dishes, such as peppermint in iced tea, oregano in tomato sauce and lavender in desserts. I have also planted many herbs in the garden for which I know have some value, but have no idea how they can be used. This is okay since they are still attractive, but I would like to take advantage of some of their healthful components as well. If you have an interest in learning more about herbs, consider joining your local chapter of the American Herbalists Guild.   The New Hampshire chapter is free to join and holds regular meetings and workshops for members.

Since the Herb and Garden Day was held at the New Hampshire Audubon Society, I couldn't leave without first visiting their aviary of raptors. 
Inquisitive Barred Owl
Red-Tailed Hawk having lunch

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