Sunday, April 22, 2018

Celebrate Earth Day!

Today, April 22nd we celebrate this precious planet that we call home. This year's Earth Day theme is "End Plastic Pollution." That is a bold statement, since this material has become so ubiquitous in our lives. According to the Earth Day Network, the organizer of Earth Day events across the globe, their goals for 2018 "include ending single-use plastics, promoting alternatives to fossil fuel-based materials, promoting 100 percent recycling of plastics, corporate and government accountability and changing human behavior concerning plastics."

By simply becoming more conscientious in our shopping and disposal decision, we can all make a difference. Although I am a good steward of the environment, and if you are reading this blog, you are too, I have learned that I can always do better. As I reported back in January, recycling plastic bags and wraps is one of those ways. So many things come wrapped in plastic, like our daily newspaper delivery. In addition to reusing these bags to pick up pet waste, I collect the extras and recycle them at our local grocery store. It amazes me how much plastic wrap I collect within just a few days.

Plastic wrap awaiting recycling.
When possible, I try and purchase items without extra wrapping. If I feel that items are unnecessarily wrapped in plastic I contact the manufacturer and let them know. Your voice as a consumer can influence their sustainability goals, particularly as the problems of plastic pollution in the oceans has become more publicly recognized and as outlets for recycling these materials become more scarce.

If possible, try and get outside today and enjoy the signs of Spring that are emerging, from the sounds of peepers and wood frogs, to the smells of the soil as it comes alive, to the sights of the first daffodils, there is much to celebrate. And, don't forget to bring a big to pick up those plastic containers on the side of the road that are now visible since the snow has melted.

It won't be long before these daffodils are in bloom.

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