Monday, April 29, 2019

If there are morels, it must be spring!

Freshly picked morels

The saying, "April showers brings May" flowers has never rang more true than this year, at least the rainy part. Cool, wet weather, without sunshine has delayed many spring flowers, but this combination has been perfect for the early emergency of morels. Since discovering them nearby, they have become my second favorite food of spring, next to asparagus.

You don't have to be a mycologist to confidently be able to identify morels in the wild. A great book for assistance is Mushrooming with Confidence, A Guide to Collecting Edible and Tasty Mushrooms, by Alexander Schwab. It comes with many colorful photographs and a positive ID checklist.  Fortunately, morels are very unique in appearance with a pitted cap and a completely hollow stem and cap. Remember though, when in doubt leave it alone.
Morels have both a hollow cap and stem

Fresh vegetable stir-fry with morels
It was such a treat to find these outside this evening, and to add them to stir-fried vegetables for dinner. 

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