Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Start Your Day Communing With Nature

Gladiola in the Morning Sun
My favorite part of the day is early morning. Stepping outside and hearing nature waking up is a sign that the day is a vessel filled with possibilities. What could be a better way to start the day then to be outside surrounded by God's creation? I recently read an article that the best way to start your day is by Visualization. That is visualize what you want to accomplish. I would counter just the opposite, that they best way to have a productive day is to step outside and clear your mind. Just spending five minutes outside, experiencing the natural environment around you, is all that it takes to become rejuvenated.  I have a hard time being still because I am always doing - watering the potted plants and raised beds, filling the bird feeders, walking the dog...All these things are important, but it is also just as important to be still. So, as I stand next to the garden, I shut my eyes and just listen. I hear the crickets still chirping, the birds chattering, a dog barking. I take a few deep breaths and give thanks for this simple pleasure. Then, I am ready to begin the day.

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