Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The First Asparagus

If it's asparagus then my birthday is near. For as long as I can remember asparagus has been my favorite vegetable. It would always be my request to accompany my birthday dinner. Now that I grow my own, it is so exciting to see the first shoots poking through the ground, a sure sign that summer will soon be on its way. It's unique flavor cannot be beat and when picked early, the tender shoots seem to melt in your mouth. There are many dishes which include asparagus, but I prefer to eat it alone with just a little lemon or hollandaise sauce on top. Here is a simple recipe that can be made in the microwave.

1 egg yolk
1/4 cup butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice

In a measuring cup, heat butter in microwave until almost melted. Add egg yolk and lemon juice and blend well. Then microwave whisking every 15 seconds. Sauce will be done when smooth and creamy. Do not overcook. Serve immediately over freshly steamed asparagus.


  1. In southeast Michigan I noticed asparagus tips poking through the soil on May 5. We must be in the same temperature zone as you. On the same day, we picked our first rhubarb. These early vegetables, fresh from the garden, grown by me, are such a joy.

  2. Enjoyed the first cutting last night.
