Saturday, May 10, 2014

Tiger Lily or Orange Daylily

I remember along the roadsides in Michigan "Tiger Lilies" seemed to be everywhere. However, as I researched for this Blog, I discovered that these were most likely not true Tiger Lilies or Lilium lancifolium, but were probably the common Orange Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva). In any event, after I got married and moved to New Hampshire it seemed that these sightings became less common. It was no matter, because I had become tired of their common orange color which had been so prevalent while growing up.  However, as often happens when nostalgia kicks in, I found myself yearning for a bed of "tiger lilies". I was so excited then to be able to barter an old skateboard for an entire garbage bag full of plants last spring. I suspected these plants would be carefree and that all I had to do was dig up some dirt, plant the roots and in no time I would be enjoying these bright orange beauties. I was correct about their hardiness, however, this is what I encountered last fall just as they were blooming, and the same this spring as their green shoots made their way through the dirt. Apparently they are a favorite snack for the deer in our neighborhood!


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