Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Time to Reap What You Sowed

This is the best time of the gardening season. Plants have matured and are now giving back after the many hours of nurturing. Early lettuce, radishes and herbs are appreciated at the beginning of the season, but there is nothing like the mid-summer's bounty of beans, cucumbers and squashes. And, those first few pickings are so exciting. In a few weeks I know I may have to force myself to make one more trip to the garden to pick tomatoes before they fall off the vine and zucchinis before they turn into giants, but now everything is still new and immensely appreciated.


  1. You know my eggplant haven't even flowered yet. I think it's the cold, rainy weather we've had this summer in Michign.

  2. Same problem here in New England. This eggplant came from a new garden plot in a sunny location with good drainage.
